Improve Your Productivity and
Exceed Your Sales Goals


Marketing : Sales : Operations : CRM
Dan Holestine Photo

Our Solution

Our clients typically have the assets they need to be productive. What they need is expertise to help set up the workflows, metrics and training. wMS quickly provides that guidance through focused projects at key interactions in the customer journey to improve productivity.

In short, we are a force multiplier for your revenue generation.

-- Dan Holestine, CEO and Founder



Leveraging more than 40 years of experience generating, nurturing and closing leads, we can unquestionably point to sales enablement as THE determining factor of whether sales goals are met or not. No amount of branding or promotions will cover up for inconsistent, irrelevant or poor messaging in the sales process.

While many organizations have some of the tools and resources needed to empower their sales teams, they often lack the coordination and expertise required to effectively set up and utilize these tools.

This is where wMS excels.

wMS Logo - Sales Enablement Consulting


Think of it this way

Let’s say that each member of your sales team is given access to a 15-foot-tall fruit tree with the direction to harvest the fruit. Absent effective tools, training and support, the team members will only be able to pick what they can reach or wait for the fruit to fall to the ground. Some resourceful members might find ways to get higher or perhaps team up together to get higher. But none of this will be organized or standardized. At its best, it will be inefficient; at its worst, it will be disastrous for sales goals and team morale.

But if you provide the tools, instruction and support to literally ladder up and pluck the fruit, every team member will be productive and the standardized process can be repeated for any new member who joins the team.

Our Solution

We utilize the technology you already have (or procure it, if needed) and the already defined branding strategy to create impactful content. We then show your team how to pluck more fruit. Last, but certainly not least, we develop tracking and reporting so everyone can see the results.